Church Leadership

The ministries of ZUMC are supported by a diverse, committed group of leaders who serve in a variety of roles. In order to help you understand our leadership structure, below you will find a description of each committee, along with current members, and a way to contact leaders if you have questions or would like to become more involved.

The Administrative Council
The Administrative Council is the highest level of lay leadership within our congregation. This committee sets the vision and direction of our church and sets and maintains all church policies. The Administrative Committee is composed by the Lay Leader, the Trustee chair, the SPRC chair, the Finance chair, and up to six at-large members who represent the ministries of the church.

Current Members: Megan Weddle (Chair); Kyle Wietholter (Lay Leader); Rick Risinger (Trustee Chair); Anthony Browne (Finance Chair); Amy Connelly (SPRC Chair); Linda Craft (at large); Kyle Overmyer (at large); Susan Arnold (at large); Bob Potts (at large); Mike Shipe (at large); Mike Voigt (Director of Operations); Pastors Dave & Ashlea Contact:

The Trustees are responsible for the maintenance and management of our church property—both the physical property as well as the Endowment. The Trustees set policies around building use and safety, and serve weekly as “Trustees of the Day” to respond to emergencies on Sunday morning.

Current Members: Rick Risinger (Chair); Brian Vermillion; Mark Cawi; Brad Deal; Jeff Glass; Pam Williams; Diane Cress; Dean McKnight; Michelle Shepherd; Don Cochran; Mike Voigt (Director of Operations)

Endowment Subcommittee: Rick Risinger; Anthony Browne; Bob Grimm; Bob Richmond; Derek Macfarlane; Sharon Thompson; Jen Dell; Pastor Dave Contact:;

Finance Committee
The Finance committee oversees the use of funds that have been received by the church. In addition to setting and regularly reviewing the annual budget, the Finance Committee also sets policies to maintain transparency and accountability in the management and use of all monies.

Current Members: Anthony Browne (Chair); Keith Smith; Bill Wendling; Erika Lewis; Mike Hall; Mark Woodruff; Derek Macfarlane; Stephanie Brooks; Natalie Wentworth; Bob Richmond; Kyle Wietholter (Lay leader); Mike Voigt (Director of Operations) Contact:

Staff-Parish Committee
The Staff-Parish committee functions as the “Human Resources” committee of the church. They are responsible for setting the salaries and structure of all church staff positions and overseeing the recruitment and onboarding of all new hires. They maintain all job descriptions, staff policies, and benefits (contained in our Employee Handbook).

Current Members: Amy Connelly (Chair); Glen Klink; Tom Rude; Melissa Hale; Isaac Kitchel; Joyce Gale; Jim Fleming; Ramie Conney; Kelly Mooradian; Kyle Wietholter (Lay leader); Pastors Dave & Ashlea Contact:

Nominations Committee
The Nominations Committee (sometimes referred to as the Lay Leadership Committee) is responsible for developing and recruiting leaders to serve on each of the above leadership teams.

Current Members: Tim Blagsvedt (Chair); Alex Forman; Suzanne Boatright; Dianne Overmyer; Andrew Manna; Kyle O’Donnell; Gary Ottinger; Linda Jaebker; Meghan Locke; Pastor Dave Contact:

Annual Conference Delegates
Our congregation sends delegates to represent our church within the wider annual conference, casting votes according to their conscience, and reporting back to the church any key decisions that have been made.

Current Delegates: Mike Shipe & Rick Maas Contact:

Lay Leader
The lay leader is a long-time member of the congregation who serves on a number of committees, providing institutional history, broad perspective, and input for all church decisions.

Current Lay Leader: Kyle Wietholter Contact: